November 15, 2009

Let The Festivities Begin!

One of my great fears is that one day I will be driving home from work, with the heater turned on in my car, observing the holiday decorations on the street, hearing christmas songs on the radio, and find myself feeling jaded and sad and maybe even grumpy. Sad for what? Not sure, maybe for the many holidays that has gone and past  in my life and for the uncertain holidays yet to come.

No, please never let that day come where I can't feel the happiness and excitement that I feel now. The feeling of when fall comes rolling in and the weather drops 30 degrees cooler. Stores begin to smell of cinnamin and pine cones and everywhere there's oceans of green and red, silver and gold.  There's just something about the holidays that is so exciting and special. I'm sure that has probably been said so many times but there is so much truth to it.

I don't have a recipe for this post, just my thoughts and feelings. I hope to have more posts up for the many holiday festivities I hope to engage in!


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