September 15, 2009

Julie and Julia Movie

Yesterday Nhat finally took his exam that he’s been studying hard for all weekend, so we decided to celebrate and relax with dinner and movie. Where did we eat? Why none other than the Home Town Buffet (his choice hehe). I still left full and content after eating three different types of their desserts, a slice of banana crème pie, chocolate mousse, and some type of marshmallow crème thing (not t0o bad for Home Town eh?). And what did we watch? Well last night, I was thinking Nhat and I were due to watch a girly comedy. I felt the Julie and Julia movie was appropriate for our mood. Because of the all the mixed reviews, I wasn’t sure if I should just wait to rent the movie on DVD. But after much debate, I finally decided to watch it in theatres.

I know it’s been out for weeks, but at least this way I wouldn’t have to share the room with tons of other people. Sure enough when we walked into the dark theatre, I could see there were only two other girls sitting in there. I couldn’t tell if they were relieved or disappointed to see us walk in. Later on, 3 ladies came moseying in, making it a total of 7 people watching the movie! Not too bad for me.

I went into the movie not expecting too much, but I have to say I was pleasantly pleased through out the movie. Even Nhat laughed out loud many times while watching it. I thought that having two story lines would be a little confusing and maybe slightly annoying, but I think it was just doubled the affect of the movie and made it much more fun to watch. Although I do have to admit, I found myself a bit more captivated with Julia Child’s story line than Julie Powell’s story line. I still found both characters fun to watch and easy to love. I think I enjoyed the movie because I could relate to both Julia and Julie’s love of food. I understood their need to be involved with it.

I found it interesting that Julia lived to such a ripe and admirable age despite her love for butter and her diets consisting of foods high in saturated fats. In current times when all you hear about is eating low-fat and healthy organic foods (which I still think is the best diet if you can do it), it makes me wonder why some people can work so hard to be healthy yet end up with cancer and health problems when others can eat whatever they want, do whatever they want, and still live longer?

This is my THEORY. I think Julia lived to such a good age, because she lived a fulfilling life. While being aware of what you eat and what you put in your body is important for a healthy and happy life, I think what is even more important is your outlook on life. Find what you love and do what you love. Spend less time worrying about things and more time just enjoying your life day by day. I think the combined factors of how active you keep your life, how much you enjoy your life, and how much you push your limits each day is a better remedy for any illness in life than any food you put inside you. I do think eating healthy foods and having a healthy balanced diet is important, but not AS important as how you live your life. Live a lot, laugh a lot, and just be happy.


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